Using Rigs

The word 'RIG' is the name given to a combination of a 'Hooklink' and a method of deploying the hooklink.

For example, when a sinker is attached to the hooklink so that it will break away after a take it is called a Semi Fixed Rig.For more detailed info on Hooklinks go here

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  Fixed Lead or Bolt Rig Surface Ledger Rigs  
  Semi Fixed Rigs Controller Floats  
  Helicopter Rigs    
  Silt Rigs Other methods  
  Running Rigs Float Fishing  
  Shocker Rigs    








Rigs : Bolt Rig

[ Click Image to Enlarge ]

Given its name due to the Carp "bolting" once it has picked up the bait.       

The lead is fixed to the line so that when the Carp picks up the bait and moves off, the hook will prick the fish's bottom lip. This startles the Carp and causes the fish to swim off rapidly.

As a result the hook is sunk even deeper. Very few fish manage to throw the hook after they have bolted, making this an ideal rig for fishing at night, allowing the fisherman plenty of time to get out of his bivvy and strike.

This method is favoured by the majority of anglers not only for its efficiency but also for the dramatic "run" it produces.

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Rigs : Semi Fixed

[ Click Image to Enlarge ]

This rig is a cross between the bolt rig and a running rig and is best used with an in-line lead.

Once the carp has picked up the bait and moves off, the weight of the lead sinks the hook.

The carp bolts and the lead breaks free almost immediately.

Using this method can be an advantage when fishing weedy venues or near to snags as the lead is safely away from the fish and less likely to snag.

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Rigs : Helicopter

[ Click Image to Enlarge ]

The helicopter rig is designed to be cast great distances without tangling.

A tangle usally is caused by the hooklink wrapping around the lead and mainline while in flight. With this setup the the hooklink is allowed to rotate like a helicopter blade, hence its name.

The rotating effect allows the hooklink to stay away from the line when casting, making an almost totally tangle proof rig For this rig you will need a piece of rig tube about 2"; longer than your hooklink.

The swivel of the hooklink is slipped over the rig tube and secured with a couple of rubber beads. Next a hard bead and a small length of silcone connector are threaded onto the tubing.

Thread your mainline through the tube
and attach your lead to the line (see diagram).

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Rigs : Silt

[ Click Image to Enlarge ]


This rig is basically a helicopter rig but the beads can be adjusted to suit the situation (see diagram).

The rig tube should be about 3" longer than the hooklink after it has been set for the depth of silt.

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Rigs : Running

[ Click Image to Enlarge ]

There has been a lot of talk lately of carp being "educated" against fixed lead setups.

Some say that the carp have learned to move away slowly and will eject the bait upon feeling any resistance.

For these "educated" carp the running rig is the solution. This setup will not produce the screaming runs that semi and fixed setups do.

The run will be slower and once the slack line has been taken up by the fish the bait will be ejected. It is not a method I would fish at night or in extreme conditions which might force me to be wrapped up in my bivvy.

However it is a fine method if close to rods in fine weather, as the presentation is as good as ledgering can get.

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Rigs : Shocker

[ Click Image to Enlarge ]

The shocker combines the qualities of a running setup, with the devastating effectiveness of a bolt rig. The setup allows the fish to mouth the bait and even test for resistance.

Once the carp is confident it moves of with its meal and jerks the lead, sinking the hook and causing it to run.

If you are fishing a hard venue and suspect that the fish are feeling for the lead, then this is the rig to try. The results can be amazing.

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Rigs : Surface Ledger

For this method I use a piece of mono about 14" long. At one end I tie the hook, and to the other a small stainless steel ring.

This is then threaded to the mainline.

Next the lead is tied onto the mainline. A couple of sliding knots are tied to the mailnline, one above, and one below the hooklink.

The sliding knots are adjusted so that a floating bait i.e. bread crust will float on the surface while anchored to the bottom by the lead.

This method will not allow the floating bait to drift around, and by tightening the line, the bait can be submerged if it becomes targeted by ducks or seagulls.

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Rigs : Controller Float

Surface fishing with a controller is a good way of presenting floating baits.

A favorite method of mine for stalking carp in the summer, I find this by far the most exciting method. A carp slowy cruises past the bait and seems to vanish.

Heart pounding you watch eagerly, minutes later he's back, but appears to have not seen the bait.

As you stare at the bait you see his lips gently pluck the bait from the surface and disappear once more. Fighting the temptation to strike, you concentrate on the controller until seconds later it slowly glides away.

The thrill of this method really can not be beaten, but I do have to add that it can be a little frustrating if its windy or if the ducks are out to get you. You have been warned!

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Rigs : Float Fishing

Not a method I adopt often, but it has accounted for fish when other methods have failed.

I usally fish a large waggler type float, secured with rubber float stops, and all the shot at the bottom, known as the lift method. I find this is the best method as it gives a positive indication.

The shot should be set about 4-6" from the hook. This is a good method for catching Crucian Carp, as the other setups are too heavy.

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This site last Updated, 21st November 2000 : 9:03 pm GMT

ebsite created by Whizwebs
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